How To Pray To The Guardian Angels

guardian angel prayer - How Do You Say a Prayer For Someone Who May Be a Guardian Angel?

guardian angel prayer

Yes, there's great power found in guardian angel prayer. There are people who claim to channel their guardian angel and communicate with them. On some level that's probably true. But it shouldn't be treated as a divine right, or a gift. We have all the power we can give ourselves if we chose to let go of our belief that godparents exist.

There are spiritual healers, also known as Angel Intellects and Psychics, who claim to communicate with guardian angels. Live psychic television shows, hosted by experienced spiritual therapists, spiritual teachers, and metaphysical therapists encourage channeling (or praying) to your guardian angel using divination tools. But the question remains: Are you going against what the bible teaches? Does channeling your guardian angel with divination tools actually work?

I'll say this first: I do believe that guardian angels exist ( see . I don't believe the bible teaches that they are angels in the traditional sense of the word. The angel concept is taken out of the equation in the new testament. The idea of guardian angels being part of the "brick and mortar" world from which we come is another concept that wasn't even introduced in the new testament.

The bible doesn't teach us what type or form's angels are. Angels are described in the new testament as being spiritual beings who have a "plan" for each person. They assist mankind and guide them in their lives. In fact, Peter, James, and John were sent on specific missions by Jesus to recognize, understand, and serve humanity (referred to as the evangelists). That is to say that they went to fulfill special spiritual tasks rather than teaching men about God.

When you perform a guardian angel prayer, that means you're asking or kneeling down before a specific "angel," either a full angel or one that is representative of different angels. You may kneel down before a parent, child, or perhaps a holy figure such as a saint or guru. In my experience, angels rarely hear requests made via commonsense. People have been led for centuries to contact their guardian angels via commonsense such as contacting a carpenter if one is in need of a roof. This request would be met (if it were valid) by a carpenter's angel, the one who would build the requested roof.

There is nothing here that indicates that you can contact your heavenly bodies through "commonsenses." Prayer is a very personal thing, so it makes sense that you ask your heavenly beings through what is known as "natural means." Natural means, as defined by the dictionary, are things that are open to the public. They're not private or under the exclusive purview of any one person. In other words, one can pray to the holy spirit as opposed to a guardian angel or a superior being.

So when you make a guardian angel prayer, you're actually making a prayer to a higher power. The same applies to any type of prayer you make. It doesn't matter if you're saying a prayer to a loved one or to the Virgin Mary; you're making a prayer to some entity of the divine nature. Just keep in mind that you're contacting someone with power and authority in heaven and you're hoping to get a helping hand from this person - either by some way of divine intervention or by some act of faith on your part.

As far as doing a guardian angel prayer, I believe the formula to "Bible praying" is pretty much the same: find something you love or pray for a loved one. Make sure the object of your attention is something you trust - preferably an object with which you have an emotional attachment. In other words, make sure it's related to the person you're praying for and it's related to heaven.


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